Inspirational Recordings

Inspirational Teachers (Click in Name)

Napoleon Hill / Earl Nightingale / Tony Robins / Ron Holland / Dan Lee Dimke / Neville Godard / Og Mandino / Paul J Mayers / Norman Vincent Peale / Dale Carnegie / Russel H Conway / Maxwell Maltz / David Viscount / Mallard Bennett / David Schwarz /


Recordings available to purchase on CD

50 Reasons for Coming Wealthy

Acres of Diamonds

Ask and it is given


The Greatest Salesman

Develop the power of enthusiasm

How to get people to act favourable with you

How to win friends and influence people

The language of feelings


Millionaire training

Positive Imaging

Power of Goal setting (Paul J Mayers)

Power with People

Power within

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Secrets of Wealth

Talk & Grow Rich

The Art of Public Speaking

The Magic of thinking Big


The Power of Positive Thinking

The Physiology of winning

The science of getting rich

How to rewire negative thinking

See you over the Top (Zig Ziglar)

The Power of awareness

The Power of the subconscious mind

The Secrets to become truly rich


Mind Matters Course

Success through a positive mental attitude

Turbo Success (Ron Holland)

Body Language

The Art Creative listening

How J.P. Morgan financed America

Personality Types

Power Negotiations

Tough-minded management

Planning a Business

8 Money Tips For Teenagers To Become Millionaires

Super Achiever

Steps to success (Earl Nightingale)

Strangest Secret (Earl Nightingale)

Change your life in 19 minutes (Earl Nightingale)